Van Bibber Trail Open House

An open house was held for Jefferson County residents to come and learn about the new proposed trail expansion at Van Bibber Open Space. The expansion will utilize property already owned by Jefferson County Open space to connect Van Bibber Open Space (near Ward Road) all the way west to the Fairmount Trail at the […]

Platte Farm Open Space Completion!

FINALLY! It’s been a long time coming… 15 years in the making in fact. Back in 2006 the Globeville Community started working to transform a contaminated brownfield site into an open space amenity for their neighbors. Along with Groundwork Denver, the community began developing a project vision and in 2008 public engagement began. Nearly ten […]

Volunteer Build Day at Greater & Greener

Valerian was excited to have our own St. Charles Place Park selected as the site for a volunteer build day by Greater & Greener on Sunday, July 21st. Greater & Greener is the premiere international urban parks conference and explores how urban parks can be designed, developed, programmed, funded, and sustained to meet increasing city demands. […]

Town of Columbine Valley – Public Engagement

The Town of Columbine Valley is updating its Master Plan and Valerian has been tasked with assisting the Town in its public outreach component. Alongside Zoeller Consulting, Valerian has organized a town-wide survey and two community meetings to evaluate the wants and needs of residents and develop a vision for the future of Columbine Valley. […]

Happy Holidays to our Neighbors at Joshua Station!

Thank you to everyone who donated toys for the Joshua Station Christmas Store. Your gifts will help make the Holidays special for local kids in need. We delivered the gifts last week and some Valerian staff may have been a little jealous of the remote controlled cars…   Not familiar with Joshua Station? JS helps families […]

Building Bridges – St. Charles & Rino Station

It’s all an too familiar situation in a rapidly changing city; what happens when new development is directly adjacent to an existing mainstay of the surrounding community? Conflict is often the result but in the case of St. Charles, rather than just hoping to avoid any friction, the Cole neighborhood decided to directly confront all […]

St. Charles Kicks Off

Valerian and the Cole community gathered at St. Charles Rec Center on June 2nd for a move in the park. The community gathering was the second time members of the neighborhood had the opportunity to join together and participate in the ongoing design process for St. Charles Place Park. The evening was packed with activities […]

Update – Platte Farm Open Space

A Platte Farm Open Space update was provided to the residents of Globeville this past Tuesday evening and Valerian is excited to move forward with the construction plans for this unique open space site.

Community Gathers to Give Input on Park Renovation

The Valerian team has been busy lately working on an exciting new project! In partnership with St. Charles Recreation Center and INDUSTRY Rino Station, we have been working hard to help create the vision for a new park at St. Charles in the Cole neighborhood. With the help of the St. Charles Ambassadors and some […]